import tidygrad
from tidygrad.tensor import Tensor
import tidygrad.func as F
# from tidygrad.func import embedding, layer_norm, stack, concat
import numpy as np
from lovely_numpy import Lo
from transformers import GPT2Tokenizer
GPT2 inference
from safetensors import safe_open
# !wget -c -O ./downloaded_weights/gpt2.safetensors
# !wget -c -O ./downloaded_weights/gpt2-medium.safetensors
# !wget -c -O ./downloaded_weights/gpt2-large.safetensors
# !wget -c -O ./downloaded_weights/gpt2-xl.safetensors
class Gpt2Variant:
def __init__(self, weight_file, n_head, n_layer):
self.weight_file = weight_file
self.n_head = n_head
self.n_layer = n_layer
= {
gpt2_variants "gpt2": Gpt2Variant("gpt2.safetensors", 12, 12),
"gpt2-medium": Gpt2Variant("gpt2-medium.safetensors", 16, 24),
"gpt2-large": Gpt2Variant("gpt2-large.safetensors", 20, 36),
"gpt2-xl": Gpt2Variant("gpt2-xl.safetensors", 25, 48),
= "gpt2"
gpt2_variant = "./downloaded_weights/"
= "In a hole in the ground there lived a"
text = GPT2Tokenizer.from_pretrained(gpt2_variant)
# tokens = tokenizer.encode(text) # returns a list of integers
# tokens = Tensor(tokens)
= [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10] tokens
= safe_open(weights_dir + gpt2_variants[gpt2_variant].weight_file, framework="np") model
"wte.weight")) Tensor(model.get_tensor(
Tensor[50257, 768](name="" op=Load):
v=array[50257, 768] f32 n=38597376 (0.1Gb) x∈[-1.270, 1.785] μ=0.000 σ=0.144
import safetensors
import tidygrad.func as F
nn.Module capabilities:
Abstract neural network “modules”, like Linear of Conv2D.
Assignment tracks parameters
class MyModel(Module): def init(): self.w1 = Tensort(…) self.b2 = Tens….
# w1, b1 are tracked as parameters
Then you can call model.parameters() to get a list of parameters.
Save / load weights. Also, count weights.
Fun forward/backward pass on the model.
class nn.Linear(): ….
class Model(nn.Module): init: self.l1 = nn.Linear(…) self.ln = …
x = self.l1(x)
x = self.conv(x)
return x
model = Model(…)
y = model(x)
y = x.mmul(w) + b
class ModelTensors(Dict): init
load(st: safetensor):
for k in st.keys():
self.params[k] = st.get_tensor(k)
return st
model = ModelTensors
a = model[“h0.ln1.w”] # Returns Tensor a = models.h0.ln1.w
model.parameters() ==> Return list of params
optim = SGD(model.params(), lr=9000)
def transformer()…
loss = transformer(X, y, model) loss.backwards()
def transformer_block(model, i, input, n_head):
= input.shape[-1]
dim assert dim % n_head == 0
= model.get_tensor(f"h.{i}.ln_1.weight")
ln_1_w = model.get_tensor(f"h.{i}.ln_1.bias")
= F.layer_norm(input, ln_1_w, ln_1_b)
ln_1 #
= model.get_tensor(f"h.{i}.attn.c_attn.weight")
attn_w_qkv = model.get_tensor(f"h.{i}.attn.c_attn.bias")
= np.split(attn_w_qkv, 3, axis=-1)
attn_w_q, attn_w_k, attn_w_v = np.split(attn_b_qkv, 3, axis=-1)
attn_b_q, attn_b_k, attn_b_v
= ln_1.mmul(attn_w_q) + attn_b_q
q = ln_1.mmul(attn_w_k) + attn_b_k
k = ln_1.mmul(attn_w_v) + attn_b_v
# q_chunked = split_tensor(q, axis=-1, n=12)
# k_chunked = split_tensor(k, axis=-1, n=12)
# v_chunked = split_tensor(v, axis=-1, n=12)
= F.stack(q.split(n=n_head, axis=-1), axis=0)
q_chunked = F.stack(k.split(n=n_head, axis=-1), axis=0)
k_chunked = F.stack(v.split(n=n_head, axis=-1), axis=0)
= q_chunked.mmul(k_chunked.transpose(-1, -2)) / np.sqrt(dim / n_head)
= np.tril(np.ones(attention.shape), k=0)
mask = np.exp(attention) * mask
= ee / ee.sum(axis=-1, keepdims=True)
= softmaxed.mmul(v_chunked)
attention_output = attention_output.split(axis=0, n=n_head)
attention_chunks # print("attention_chunks", attention_chunks)
= F.concat(attention_chunks, axis=-1)
attention_reshaped = attention_reshaped[0]
attention_reshaped # print("attention_reshaped", attention_reshaped)
= Tensor(model.get_tensor(f"h.{i}.attn.c_proj.weight"))
cproj_w = Tensor(model.get_tensor(f"h.{i}.attn.c_proj.bias"))
cproj_b # attention_reshaped = Tensor(attention_reshaped_np)
= attention_reshaped.mmul(cproj_w) + cproj_b
= crosstalk + input
after_residual # print("after_residual", after_residual)
= Tensor(model.get_tensor(f"h.{i}.ln_2.weight"), name="ln2_w")
ln2_w = Tensor(model.get_tensor(f"h.{i}.ln_2.bias"), name="ln2_b")
= F.layer_norm(after_residual, ln2_w, ln2_b)
= Tensor(model.get_tensor(f"h.{i}.mlp.c_fc.weight"), name="fc_w")
mlp_c_fc_w = Tensor(model.get_tensor(f"h.{i}.mlp.c_fc.bias"), name="fc_b")
= after_ln2.mmul(mlp_c_fc_w) + mlp_c_fc_b
after_up # print("after_up", after_up)
= F.gelu(after_up)
after_up_a # print("after_up_a", after_up_a)
= Tensor(model.get_tensor(f"h.{i}.mlp.c_proj.weight"), name="proj_w")
mlp_c_proj_w = Tensor(model.get_tensor(f"h.{i}.mlp.c_proj.bias"), name="proj_b")
= after_up_a.mmul(mlp_c_proj_w) + mlp_c_proj_b
= after_down + after_residual
output return output
# res = transformer_block(model, 0, embeddings)
def transformer(model, tokens, n_layer, n_head):
= Tensor(model.get_tensor("wte.weight"))
wte = Tensor(model.get_tensor("wpe.weight"))
= F.embedding(wte, tokens)
= np.arange(len(tokens))
positions = F.embedding(wpe, positions)
= token_embeddings + position_embeddings
for i in range(n_layer):
# print("Layer", i)
= transformer_block(model, i, embeddings, n_head)
embeddings # print("Embedding out:", embeddings)
# print(tidygrad.tensor._num_tensors)
# print(tidygrad.tensor._num_ops)
= Tensor(model.get_tensor("ln_f.weight"))
ln_f_w = Tensor(model.get_tensor("ln_f.bias"))
= F.layer_norm(embeddings, ln_f_w, ln_f_b)
return res
# tokens = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10]
# with tidygrad.no_grad():
# res = transformer(model, tokens, gpt2_variants[gpt2_variant].n_layer, gpt2_variants[gpt2_variant].n_head)
# print(res)
# import gc
# del res
# gc.collect()
"wte.weight").shape model.get_tensor(
(50257, 768)
= "In a hole in the ground there lived a"
text = GPT2Tokenizer.from_pretrained(gpt2_variant)
= tokenizer.encode(text) # returns a list of integers
tokens print(tokens)
# tokens = list(range(1000))
def gpt2_language_model(model, token_ids, n_layer, n_head):
= Tensor(model.get_tensor("wte.weight").swapaxes(-1, -2))
wte = transformer(model, token_ids, n_layer, n_head)
= res[-1, :]
res = res.mmul(wte)
logits return logits, res
with tidygrad.no_grad():
= gpt2_language_model(model, tokens, n_layer=gpt2_variants[gpt2_variant].n_layer, n_head=gpt2_variants[gpt2_variant].n_head)
logits, res print(res)
=-1)) tokenizer.decode(
[818, 257, 7604, 287, 262, 2323, 612, 5615, 257]
Tensor[768](name="" op=Load):
v=array[768] f32 3Kb x∈[-50.634, 188.688] μ=0.388 σ=8.312
/home/xl0/work/projects/grads/tidygrad/tidygrad/ops/ RuntimeWarning: underflow encountered in exp
self.set_out(1 / (1 + np.exp(-self.args[0].data)))
/home/xl0/work/projects/grads/tidygrad/tidygrad/ops/ RuntimeWarning: overflow encountered in exp
self.set_out(1 / (1 + np.exp(-self.args[0].data)))
' man'
# import gc
# del logits, res
# gc.collect()
from import tqdm
5,5)).data.dtype Tensor(np.random.randn(
= np.random.randn(5, 5).astype(np.float32)
a = np.random.randn(5, 5).astype(np.float32)
+b).dtype (a
= np.zeros((1000_000, 1000)) a
= "<|endoftext|>"
text = tokenizer.encode(text) # returns a list of integers tokens
{'bos_token': '<|endoftext|>', 'eos_token': '<|endoftext|>', 'unk_token': '<|endoftext|>'}
= "<|endoftext|> In a hole in the ground there lived a"
text # text = "<|endoftext|>"
= tokenizer.encode(text) # returns a list of integers
print("=== Generating ===")
print("Input: ", tokenizer.decode(tokens))
with tidygrad.no_grad():
for i in tqdm(range(100)):
= gpt2_language_model(model, tokens, n_layer=gpt2_variants[gpt2_variant].n_layer, n_head=gpt2_variants[gpt2_variant].n_head)
logits, res =-1))
tokens.append( logits, res
# gc.collect()
print("Output:", tokenizer.decode(tokens))
=== Generating ===
Input: <|endoftext|> In a hole in the ground there lived a
Output: <|endoftext|> In a hole in the ground there lived a man
Output: <|endoftext|> In a hole in the ground there lived a man who
Output: <|endoftext|> In a hole in the ground there lived a man who had
Output: <|endoftext|> In a hole in the ground there lived a man who had been
Output: <|endoftext|> In a hole in the ground there lived a man who had been killed
Output: <|endoftext|> In a hole in the ground there lived a man who had been killed by
Output: <|endoftext|> In a hole in the ground there lived a man who had been killed by a
Output: <|endoftext|> In a hole in the ground there lived a man who had been killed by a bullet
Output: <|endoftext|> In a hole in the ground there lived a man who had been killed by a bullet.
Output: <|endoftext|> In a hole in the ground there lived a man who had been killed by a bullet. He
Output: <|endoftext|> In a hole in the ground there lived a man who had been killed by a bullet. He was
Output: <|endoftext|> In a hole in the ground there lived a man who had been killed by a bullet. He was a
Output: <|endoftext|> In a hole in the ground there lived a man who had been killed by a bullet. He was a man
Output: <|endoftext|> In a hole in the ground there lived a man who had been killed by a bullet. He was a man of
Output: <|endoftext|> In a hole in the ground there lived a man who had been killed by a bullet. He was a man of great
Output: <|endoftext|> In a hole in the ground there lived a man who had been killed by a bullet. He was a man of great courage
Output: <|endoftext|> In a hole in the ground there lived a man who had been killed by a bullet. He was a man of great courage and
Output: <|endoftext|> In a hole in the ground there lived a man who had been killed by a bullet. He was a man of great courage and courage
Output: <|endoftext|> In a hole in the ground there lived a man who had been killed by a bullet. He was a man of great courage and courage.
Output: <|endoftext|> In a hole in the ground there lived a man who had been killed by a bullet. He was a man of great courage and courage. He
Output: <|endoftext|> In a hole in the ground there lived a man who had been killed by a bullet. He was a man of great courage and courage. He was
Output: <|endoftext|> In a hole in the ground there lived a man who had been killed by a bullet. He was a man of great courage and courage. He was a
Output: <|endoftext|> In a hole in the ground there lived a man who had been killed by a bullet. He was a man of great courage and courage. He was a man
Output: <|endoftext|> In a hole in the ground there lived a man who had been killed by a bullet. He was a man of great courage and courage. He was a man of
Output: <|endoftext|> In a hole in the ground there lived a man who had been killed by a bullet. He was a man of great courage and courage. He was a man of great
Output: <|endoftext|> In a hole in the ground there lived a man who had been killed by a bullet. He was a man of great courage and courage. He was a man of great courage
Output: <|endoftext|> In a hole in the ground there lived a man who had been killed by a bullet. He was a man of great courage and courage. He was a man of great courage and
Output: <|endoftext|> In a hole in the ground there lived a man who had been killed by a bullet. He was a man of great courage and courage. He was a man of great courage and courage
Output: <|endoftext|> In a hole in the ground there lived a man who had been killed by a bullet. He was a man of great courage and courage. He was a man of great courage and courage.
Output: <|endoftext|> In a hole in the ground there lived a man who had been killed by a bullet. He was a man of great courage and courage. He was a man of great courage and courage. He
Output: <|endoftext|> In a hole in the ground there lived a man who had been killed by a bullet. He was a man of great courage and courage. He was a man of great courage and courage. He was
Output: <|endoftext|> In a hole in the ground there lived a man who had been killed by a bullet. He was a man of great courage and courage. He was a man of great courage and courage. He was a
Output: <|endoftext|> In a hole in the ground there lived a man who had been killed by a bullet. He was a man of great courage and courage. He was a man of great courage and courage. He was a man
Output: <|endoftext|> In a hole in the ground there lived a man who had been killed by a bullet. He was a man of great courage and courage. He was a man of great courage and courage. He was a man of
Output: <|endoftext|> In a hole in the ground there lived a man who had been killed by a bullet. He was a man of great courage and courage. He was a man of great courage and courage. He was a man of great
Output: <|endoftext|> In a hole in the ground there lived a man who had been killed by a bullet. He was a man of great courage and courage. He was a man of great courage and courage. He was a man of great courage
Output: <|endoftext|> In a hole in the ground there lived a man who had been killed by a bullet. He was a man of great courage and courage. He was a man of great courage and courage. He was a man of great courage and
Output: <|endoftext|> In a hole in the ground there lived a man who had been killed by a bullet. He was a man of great courage and courage. He was a man of great courage and courage. He was a man of great courage and courage
Output: <|endoftext|> In a hole in the ground there lived a man who had been killed by a bullet. He was a man of great courage and courage. He was a man of great courage and courage. He was a man of great courage and courage.
Output: <|endoftext|> In a hole in the ground there lived a man who had been killed by a bullet. He was a man of great courage and courage. He was a man of great courage and courage. He was a man of great courage and courage. He
Output: <|endoftext|> In a hole in the ground there lived a man who had been killed by a bullet. He was a man of great courage and courage. He was a man of great courage and courage. He was a man of great courage and courage. He was
Output: <|endoftext|> In a hole in the ground there lived a man who had been killed by a bullet. He was a man of great courage and courage. He was a man of great courage and courage. He was a man of great courage and courage. He was a
Output: <|endoftext|> In a hole in the ground there lived a man who had been killed by a bullet. He was a man of great courage and courage. He was a man of great courage and courage. He was a man of great courage and courage. He was a man
Output: <|endoftext|> In a hole in the ground there lived a man who had been killed by a bullet. He was a man of great courage and courage. He was a man of great courage and courage. He was a man of great courage and courage. He was a man of
Output: <|endoftext|> In a hole in the ground there lived a man who had been killed by a bullet. He was a man of great courage and courage. He was a man of great courage and courage. He was a man of great courage and courage. He was a man of great
Output: <|endoftext|> In a hole in the ground there lived a man who had been killed by a bullet. He was a man of great courage and courage. He was a man of great courage and courage. He was a man of great courage and courage. He was a man of great courage
Output: <|endoftext|> In a hole in the ground there lived a man who had been killed by a bullet. He was a man of great courage and courage. He was a man of great courage and courage. He was a man of great courage and courage. He was a man of great courage and
Output: <|endoftext|> In a hole in the ground there lived a man who had been killed by a bullet. He was a man of great courage and courage. He was a man of great courage and courage. He was a man of great courage and courage. He was a man of great courage and courage
Output: <|endoftext|> In a hole in the ground there lived a man who had been killed by a bullet. He was a man of great courage and courage. He was a man of great courage and courage. He was a man of great courage and courage. He was a man of great courage and courage.
Output: <|endoftext|> In a hole in the ground there lived a man who had been killed by a bullet. He was a man of great courage and courage. He was a man of great courage and courage. He was a man of great courage and courage. He was a man of great courage and courage. He
Output: <|endoftext|> In a hole in the ground there lived a man who had been killed by a bullet. He was a man of great courage and courage. He was a man of great courage and courage. He was a man of great courage and courage. He was a man of great courage and courage. He was
Output: <|endoftext|> In a hole in the ground there lived a man who had been killed by a bullet. He was a man of great courage and courage. He was a man of great courage and courage. He was a man of great courage and courage. He was a man of great courage and courage. He was a
Output: <|endoftext|> In a hole in the ground there lived a man who had been killed by a bullet. He was a man of great courage and courage. He was a man of great courage and courage. He was a man of great courage and courage. He was a man of great courage and courage. He was a man
Output: <|endoftext|> In a hole in the ground there lived a man who had been killed by a bullet. He was a man of great courage and courage. He was a man of great courage and courage. He was a man of great courage and courage. He was a man of great courage and courage. He was a man of
Output: <|endoftext|> In a hole in the ground there lived a man who had been killed by a bullet. He was a man of great courage and courage. He was a man of great courage and courage. He was a man of great courage and courage. He was a man of great courage and courage. He was a man of great
Output: <|endoftext|> In a hole in the ground there lived a man who had been killed by a bullet. He was a man of great courage and courage. He was a man of great courage and courage. He was a man of great courage and courage. He was a man of great courage and courage. He was a man of great courage
Output: <|endoftext|> In a hole in the ground there lived a man who had been killed by a bullet. He was a man of great courage and courage. He was a man of great courage and courage. He was a man of great courage and courage. He was a man of great courage and courage. He was a man of great courage and
Output: <|endoftext|> In a hole in the ground there lived a man who had been killed by a bullet. He was a man of great courage and courage. He was a man of great courage and courage. He was a man of great courage and courage. He was a man of great courage and courage. He was a man of great courage and courage
Output: <|endoftext|> In a hole in the ground there lived a man who had been killed by a bullet. He was a man of great courage and courage. He was a man of great courage and courage. He was a man of great courage and courage. He was a man of great courage and courage. He was a man of great courage and courage.
Output: <|endoftext|> In a hole in the ground there lived a man who had been killed by a bullet. He was a man of great courage and courage. He was a man of great courage and courage. He was a man of great courage and courage. He was a man of great courage and courage. He was a man of great courage and courage. He
Output: <|endoftext|> In a hole in the ground there lived a man who had been killed by a bullet. He was a man of great courage and courage. He was a man of great courage and courage. He was a man of great courage and courage. He was a man of great courage and courage. He was a man of great courage and courage. He was
Output: <|endoftext|> In a hole in the ground there lived a man who had been killed by a bullet. He was a man of great courage and courage. He was a man of great courage and courage. He was a man of great courage and courage. He was a man of great courage and courage. He was a man of great courage and courage. He was a
Output: <|endoftext|> In a hole in the ground there lived a man who had been killed by a bullet. He was a man of great courage and courage. He was a man of great courage and courage. He was a man of great courage and courage. He was a man of great courage and courage. He was a man of great courage and courage. He was a man
Output: <|endoftext|> In a hole in the ground there lived a man who had been killed by a bullet. He was a man of great courage and courage. He was a man of great courage and courage. He was a man of great courage and courage. He was a man of great courage and courage. He was a man of great courage and courage. He was a man of
Output: <|endoftext|> In a hole in the ground there lived a man who had been killed by a bullet. He was a man of great courage and courage. He was a man of great courage and courage. He was a man of great courage and courage. He was a man of great courage and courage. He was a man of great courage and courage. He was a man of!
Output: <|endoftext|> In a hole in the ground there lived a man who had been killed by a bullet. He was a man of great courage and courage. He was a man of great courage and courage. He was a man of great courage and courage. He was a man of great courage and courage. He was a man of great courage and courage. He was a man of!!
Output: <|endoftext|> In a hole in the ground there lived a man who had been killed by a bullet. He was a man of great courage and courage. He was a man of great courage and courage. He was a man of great courage and courage. He was a man of great courage and courage. He was a man of great courage and courage. He was a man of!!!
Output: <|endoftext|> In a hole in the ground there lived a man who had been killed by a bullet. He was a man of great courage and courage. He was a man of great courage and courage. He was a man of great courage and courage. He was a man of great courage and courage. He was a man of great courage and courage. He was a man of!!!!
Output: <|endoftext|> In a hole in the ground there lived a man who had been killed by a bullet. He was a man of great courage and courage. He was a man of great courage and courage. He was a man of great courage and courage. He was a man of great courage and courage. He was a man of great courage and courage. He was a man of!!!!!
Output: <|endoftext|> In a hole in the ground there lived a man who had been killed by a bullet. He was a man of great courage and courage. He was a man of great courage and courage. He was a man of great courage and courage. He was a man of great courage and courage. He was a man of great courage and courage. He was a man of!!!!!!
Output: <|endoftext|> In a hole in the ground there lived a man who had been killed by a bullet. He was a man of great courage and courage. He was a man of great courage and courage. He was a man of great courage and courage. He was a man of great courage and courage. He was a man of great courage and courage. He was a man of!!!!!!!
Output: <|endoftext|> In a hole in the ground there lived a man who had been killed by a bullet. He was a man of great courage and courage. He was a man of great courage and courage. He was a man of great courage and courage. He was a man of great courage and courage. He was a man of great courage and courage. He was a man of!!!!!!!!
Output: <|endoftext|> In a hole in the ground there lived a man who had been killed by a bullet. He was a man of great courage and courage. He was a man of great courage and courage. He was a man of great courage and courage. He was a man of great courage and courage. He was a man of great courage and courage. He was a man of!!!!!!!!!
Output: <|endoftext|> In a hole in the ground there lived a man who had been killed by a bullet. He was a man of great courage and courage. He was a man of great courage and courage. He was a man of great courage and courage. He was a man of great courage and courage. He was a man of great courage and courage. He was a man of!!!!!!!!!!
Output: <|endoftext|> In a hole in the ground there lived a man who had been killed by a bullet. He was a man of great courage and courage. He was a man of great courage and courage. He was a man of great courage and courage. He was a man of great courage and courage. He was a man of great courage and courage. He was a man of!!!!!!!!!!!
Output: <|endoftext|> In a hole in the ground there lived a man who had been killed by a bullet. He was a man of great courage and courage. He was a man of great courage and courage. He was a man of great courage and courage. He was a man of great courage and courage. He was a man of great courage and courage. He was a man of!!!!!!!!!!!!
Output: <|endoftext|> In a hole in the ground there lived a man who had been killed by a bullet. He was a man of great courage and courage. He was a man of great courage and courage. He was a man of great courage and courage. He was a man of great courage and courage. He was a man of great courage and courage. He was a man of!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Output: <|endoftext|> In a hole in the ground there lived a man who had been killed by a bullet. He was a man of great courage and courage. He was a man of great courage and courage. He was a man of great courage and courage. He was a man of great courage and courage. He was a man of great courage and courage. He was a man of!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Output: <|endoftext|> In a hole in the ground there lived a man who had been killed by a bullet. He was a man of great courage and courage. He was a man of great courage and courage. He was a man of great courage and courage. He was a man of great courage and courage. He was a man of great courage and courage. He was a man of!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Output: <|endoftext|> In a hole in the ground there lived a man who had been killed by a bullet. He was a man of great courage and courage. He was a man of great courage and courage. He was a man of great courage and courage. He was a man of great courage and courage. He was a man of great courage and courage. He was a man of!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Output: <|endoftext|> In a hole in the ground there lived a man who had been killed by a bullet. He was a man of great courage and courage. He was a man of great courage and courage. He was a man of great courage and courage. He was a man of great courage and courage. He was a man of great courage and courage. He was a man of!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Output: <|endoftext|> In a hole in the ground there lived a man who had been killed by a bullet. He was a man of great courage and courage. He was a man of great courage and courage. He was a man of great courage and courage. He was a man of great courage and courage. He was a man of great courage and courage. He was a man of!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Output: <|endoftext|> In a hole in the ground there lived a man who had been killed by a bullet. He was a man of great courage and courage. He was a man of great courage and courage. He was a man of great courage and courage. He was a man of great courage and courage. He was a man of great courage and courage. He was a man of!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Output: <|endoftext|> In a hole in the ground there lived a man who had been killed by a bullet. He was a man of great courage and courage. He was a man of great courage and courage. He was a man of great courage and courage. He was a man of great courage and courage. He was a man of great courage and courage. He was a man of!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Output: <|endoftext|> In a hole in the ground there lived a man who had been killed by a bullet. He was a man of great courage and courage. He was a man of great courage and courage. He was a man of great courage and courage. He was a man of great courage and courage. He was a man of great courage and courage. He was a man of!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Output: <|endoftext|> In a hole in the ground there lived a man who had been killed by a bullet. He was a man of great courage and courage. He was a man of great courage and courage. He was a man of great courage and courage. He was a man of great courage and courage. He was a man of great courage and courage. He was a man of!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Output: <|endoftext|> In a hole in the ground there lived a man who had been killed by a bullet. He was a man of great courage and courage. He was a man of great courage and courage. He was a man of great courage and courage. He was a man of great courage and courage. He was a man of great courage and courage. He was a man of!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Output: <|endoftext|> In a hole in the ground there lived a man who had been killed by a bullet. He was a man of great courage and courage. He was a man of great courage and courage. He was a man of great courage and courage. He was a man of great courage and courage. He was a man of great courage and courage. He was a man of!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Output: <|endoftext|> In a hole in the ground there lived a man who had been killed by a bullet. He was a man of great courage and courage. He was a man of great courage and courage. He was a man of great courage and courage. He was a man of great courage and courage. He was a man of great courage and courage. He was a man of!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Output: <|endoftext|> In a hole in the ground there lived a man who had been killed by a bullet. He was a man of great courage and courage. He was a man of great courage and courage. He was a man of great courage and courage. He was a man of great courage and courage. He was a man of great courage and courage. He was a man of!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Output: <|endoftext|> In a hole in the ground there lived a man who had been killed by a bullet. He was a man of great courage and courage. He was a man of great courage and courage. He was a man of great courage and courage. He was a man of great courage and courage. He was a man of great courage and courage. He was a man of!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Output: <|endoftext|> In a hole in the ground there lived a man who had been killed by a bullet. He was a man of great courage and courage. He was a man of great courage and courage. He was a man of great courage and courage. He was a man of great courage and courage. He was a man of great courage and courage. He was a man of!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Output: <|endoftext|> In a hole in the ground there lived a man who had been killed by a bullet. He was a man of great courage and courage. He was a man of great courage and courage. He was a man of great courage and courage. He was a man of great courage and courage. He was a man of great courage and courage. He was a man of!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Output: <|endoftext|> In a hole in the ground there lived a man who had been killed by a bullet. He was a man of great courage and courage. He was a man of great courage and courage. He was a man of great courage and courage. He was a man of great courage and courage. He was a man of great courage and courage. He was a man of!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Output: <|endoftext|> In a hole in the ground there lived a man who had been killed by a bullet. He was a man of great courage and courage. He was a man of great courage and courage. He was a man of great courage and courage. He was a man of great courage and courage. He was a man of great courage and courage. He was a man of!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Output: <|endoftext|> In a hole in the ground there lived a man who had been killed by a bullet. He was a man of great courage and courage. He was a man of great courage and courage. He was a man of great courage and courage. He was a man of great courage and courage. He was a man of great courage and courage. He was a man of!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Output: <|endoftext|> In a hole in the ground there lived a man who had been killed by a bullet. He was a man of great courage and courage. He was a man of great courage and courage. He was a man of great courage and courage. He was a man of great courage and courage. He was a man of great courage and courage. He was a man of!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Output: <|endoftext|> In a hole in the ground there lived a man who had been killed by a bullet. He was a man of great courage and courage. He was a man of great courage and courage. He was a man of great courage and courage. He was a man of great courage and courage. He was a man of great courage and courage. He was a man of!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Output: <|endoftext|> In a hole in the ground there lived a man who had been killed by a bullet. He was a man of great courage and courage. He was a man of great courage and courage. He was a man of great courage and courage. He was a man of great courage and courage. He was a man of great courage and courage. He was a man of!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Output: <|endoftext|> In a hole in the ground there lived a man who had been killed by a bullet. He was a man of great courage and courage. He was a man of great courage and courage. He was a man of great courage and courage. He was a man of great courage and courage. He was a man of great courage and courage. He was a man of!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
/home/xl0/work/projects/grads/tidygrad/tidygrad/ops/ RuntimeWarning: underflow encountered in exp
/tmp/ipykernel_622983/ RuntimeWarning: underflow encountered in exp
ee = np.exp(attention) * mask
/home/xl0/work/projects/grads/tidygrad/tidygrad/ops/ RuntimeWarning: overflow encountered in exp
/tmp/ipykernel_622983/ RuntimeWarning: overflow encountered in exp
ee = np.exp(attention) * mask
/home/xl0/work/projects/grads/tidygrad/tidygrad/ops/ RuntimeWarning: invalid value encountered in multiply
self.set_out(self.args[0].data * self.args[1].data)
/home/xl0/work/projects/grads/tidygrad/tidygrad/ops/ RuntimeWarning: underflow encountered in divide
self.set_out(1 / (1 + np.exp(-self.args[0].data)))