import pycuda.driver as cudafrom pycuda.compiler import SourceModulecuda.init()device = cuda.Device(0)print(f"Cuda version: {".".join([str(i) for i in cuda.get_version()])}")print(f"Device:\t{}")
Cuda version: 12.8.0
Device: NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3080 Laptop GPU
#include <stdint.h>
#include <stdio.h>
/* 2D convolution, with padding to valid shape. Channel-first */
__global__ void conv2d_pad(float *in,
float *out,
float *filter,
int h,
int w,
int in_channels,
int out_channels,
int filter_size /* Must be an odd number */,
float pad) {
int x = blockIdx.x * blockDim.x + threadIdx.x;
int y = blockIdx.y * blockDim.y + threadIdx.y;
int filter_r = (filter_size - 1) / 2;
// In and Out data dimensions:
// 0 - channel
// 1 - height
// 2 - width
// Filter dimensions:
// 0 - out channels
// 1 - in channels
// 2 - height
// 3 - width
// if (x == 0 && y == 0) {
// printf("h: %d\n", h);
// printf("w: %d\n", w);
// printf("in_channels: %d\n", in_channels);
// printf("out_channels: %d\n", out_channels);
// printf("filter_size: %d\n", filter_size);
// printf("filter r: %d\n", filter_r);
// printf("pad: %f\n", pad);
// printf("Filter:\n");
// for (int oc = 0; oc < out_channels; oc++) {
// printf("Output channel %d:\n", oc);
// for (int ic = 0; ic < in_channels; ic++) {
// printf(" Input channel %d:\n", ic);
// float *sub_filter = filter + (filter_size * filter_size * in_channels * oc) +
// (filter_size * filter_size * ic);
// for (int i = 0; i < filter_size; i++) {
// printf(" ");
// for (int j = 0; j < filter_size; j++) {
// printf("%f ", sub_filter[i * filter_size + j]);
// }
// printf("\n");
// }
// }
// }
// }
if (x >= w || y >= h) return;
// Loop over the output channels
for (int out_c = 0; out_c < out_channels; out_c++) {
float R = 0;
// Pointer to the 2d slice of the output
float *sub_output = out + out_c * w * h;
// Loop over the input channels
for (int in_c = 0; in_c < in_channels; in_c++) {
// Pointer to the 2d slice of the filter that corresponds to the active input and output
// channels
float *sub_filter = filter + (filter_size * filter_size * in_channels * out_c) +
(filter_size * filter_size * in_c);
// Pinter to the current channel in the input
float *sub_input = in + (w * h * in_c);
// Apply the filter to the input or the pad value for outside indices.
for (int filter_y = 0; filter_y < filter_size; filter_y++) {
for (int filter_x = 0; filter_x < filter_size; filter_x++) {
float v = pad;
int input_x = x - filter_r + filter_x;
int input_y = y - filter_r + filter_y;
if (input_x >= 0 && input_x < w && input_y >= 0 && input_y < h) {
v = sub_input[input_y * w + input_x];
R += v * sub_filter[filter_y * filter_size + filter_x];
sub_output[y * w + x] = R;
/* This version uses the z grid dimensions for out channels. */
__global__ void conv2d_pad_z_out(float *in,
float *out,
float *filter,
int h,
int w,
int in_channels,
int out_channels,
int filter_size /* Must be an odd number */,
float pad) {
int x = blockIdx.x * blockDim.x + threadIdx.x;
int y = blockIdx.y * blockDim.y + threadIdx.y;
int out_ch = blockIdx.z;
int filter_r = (filter_size - 1) / 2;
// In and Out data dimensions:
// 0 - channel
// 1 - height
// 2 - width
// Filter dimensions:
// 0 - out channels
// 1 - in channels
// 2 - height
// 3 - width
if (x >= w || y >= h) return;
// Loop over the output channels
float R = 0;
// // Pointer to the 2d slice of the output
float *sub_output = out + out_ch * w * h;
// Loop over the input channels
for (int in_c = 0; in_c < in_channels; in_c++) {
// Pointer to the 2d slice of the filter that corresponds to the active input and output
// channels
float *sub_filter = filter + (filter_size * filter_size * in_channels * out_ch) +
(filter_size * filter_size * in_c);
// Pinter to the current channel in the input
float *sub_input = in + (w * h * in_c);
// Apply the filter to the input or the pad value for outside indices.
for (int filter_y = 0; filter_y < filter_size; filter_y++) {
for (int filter_x = 0; filter_x < filter_size; filter_x++) {
float v = pad;
int input_x = x - filter_r + filter_x;
int input_y = y - filter_r + filter_y;
if (input_x >= 0 && input_x < w && input_y >= 0 && input_y < h) {
v = sub_input[input_y * w + input_x];
R += v * sub_filter[filter_y * filter_size + filter_x];
sub_output[y * w + x] = R;
## Compiler options for more compile-time warnings.warn_options=['-Xcompiler', '-Wall','-Xcompiler', '-Wextra','-Xcompiler', '-Wsign-conversion','-Xcompiler', '-Wcast-qual','-Xcompiler', '-Wunused-parameter','-Xcompiler', '-Wdouble-promotion','-Xcompiler', '-Wformat=2','-Xcompiler', '-Wfloat-equal','-Xcompiler', '-Wshadow']
# Sort by conv2d_pad timingresults_sorted = results.sort_values(by='conv2d_pad')# Create a plot comparing the two kernelsimport matplotlib.pyplot as pltimport seaborn as snsplt.figure(figsize=(12, 8))sns.set_style("whitegrid")# Create labels for x-axis that include dimensionsresults_sorted['dimensions'] = results_sorted.apply(lambda row: f"{int(row['img_size'])}×{int(row['img_size'])}×{int(row['in_ch'])} -> {int(row['out_ch'])}, f:{int(row['filter_size'])}×{int(row['filter_size'])}", axis=1)# Melt the dataframe to get it in the right format for seabornmelted_results = pd.melt( results_sorted, id_vars=['in_ch', 'out_ch', 'filter_size', 'img_size', 'dimensions'], value_vars=['conv2d_pad', 'conv2d_pad_z_out'], var_name='kernel', value_name='time')# Create a barplot with dimensions as x-ticksax = sns.barplot(x='dimensions', y='time', hue='kernel', data=melted_results)# Add labelsplt.xlabel('Input and Filter Dimensions')plt.ylabel('Time (seconds)')plt.title('Performance Comparison of conv2d_pad vs conv2d_pad_z_out')plt.xticks(rotation=90)# Add a legendplt.legend(title='Kernel')# Show the plotplt.tight_layout() Also display the sorted results tableresults_sorted